Different people from different backgrounds and experiences have different characteristics that partly define their personality. One of such defining characteristics is temperament or anger. Some people flare up at the slightest provocation. Anger is a dangerous thing if not controlled well. Now, over my almost two-year stay in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana, I have observed a growing tension between bus conductors (mates) of trotro vehicles and passengers. The underlying cause of this growing anger as I have observed is contempt. Both parties have a fair amount of contempt for one another. This contempt is gradually brewing undying anger between the two parties that may one day escalate to an unquenchable level. Admittedly, being a mate is not the most glamorous job one would want to show off with. Passengers knowing the nature of this job often want to exhibit their disgust for mates. And the mates also knowing this always want to stand their ground in an attempt to step up...