My words fail me but I pray My knees knuckle but I stand Self-love, strong self-worth and confidence are very essential in life At least, that is what lots of people say But the truth is sometimes you turn to someone for confirmation, for a second opinion, just to be sure An opinion that sometimes overrides your own But what if you have no one What if there is someone but not the one you would prefer It appears that when it comes to you, words fail me My vocabulary suddenly is lost My mind is instantly blank And my head throbs with chaos and understanding How ironic or maybe paradoxical, whatever An indication of my spinning head I look to your chair and it's vacant I look to your bed and it’s been folded Your throaty laughter has suddenly vanished Your hilarious jokes are no more Your absence is much obscene The children in your house are calling your name They are looking for you to sing for them to dance Where is that your toothless smiley mouth Why has...