On June 23, 2020, we will all know whether or not the old voter ID card would be a means to getting on the new register. The Supreme Court would decide on which tangent to tread. But, are any of the two possible outcomes any safer? Walk with me. The Supreme Court would either strike down the argument of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) or it would disallow the usage of the old voter ID in the compilation of the new voter register on June 30. The Electoral Commission of Ghana calls the old voter ID fruit of a "poisoned tree.” But are they entirely right in their argument? The old voter ID was after all what brought Nana Addo to power though compiled in an NDC era. What if the Supreme Court rules in favor of the NDC, would that be shooting ourselves in the foot, considering the arguments of the EC? But would ruling in favor of the EC also disenfranchise some Ghanaians? The EC as of now would accept the Ghana Card and passport as means to getting on the new register. A...