
Showing posts from August, 2021


It looked shallow But he still wallowed Not knowing   Sinking isn’t drinking Neither is filled, any satisfying   The bank of the river always looks Sandy But each particle of sand is Shaped differently   When the sea waves move the water to Cover your feet The feeling is different Depending on your state of mind   First, it was your eyes And the beauty that lies In them But now, it's more than that   The whispers of the night The morning adornments The sparks in your voice when you speak of me And what is mine   The blossoming of what could be The strides of your heart The crosses of mine And the intersecting threads   Now, I realize my folly Of folding upfront Now, I unfold Spreading to the ends of the world What could amaze it


We lay on the floor Well, half bed, half-floor Our backs against each other Not talking Just lying there   I rubbed my back against hers I took her hand Robbed her smallest finger Then her ring finger Then her palm   From a distant place, I felt something A surge of emotions Emotions that have eluded me for so long   Tears stood in my eyes I wanted to speak But my voice was chocked So I just lay there Hoping she’d speak But she kept mute   A shut mouth threatening To rip apart a heart that was full So I just kept rubbing her fingers   Finally, "are you hungry?" She asked I smiled And found the strength to get up   Love comes in varying forms and shapes What's yours?


Shattered into pieces She shelved herself Hoping to come back stronger Alone, and bigger   She hadn’t realized it yet But she was stronger, alone A lone wolf Who either leads the pack Or walks alone   She had mingled Lost her mojo Attached to the other And let down   Good thing No? Doesn’t it get worse Before it gets better? Now she knows Not to shed her husk Without a backup skin   Like the lone star, she shines Brighter and better But she was still worried About all the stars That had deserted her She was broken, Inside out   But now, she is formidable In ways that amaze The crowd surges forward But she is far ahead Because like the lone star, She shines brighter all on her own.


Waist in the balance The last straw Consequences be damned But no Not this time Mirrors show our inner self But you have to be willing to see it Else, all you see is your ugly face   In the distance, The sky and the earth began to make out In silence, they took turns Swinging to different sides of the room   Their groans, loudly silent Present, only to the eyes Absent to the ears Let those in the act perceive The universe is moving in your direction   In a split second, they made a baby The sky changed colour, the baby The sea responded accordingly   From under me, She moaned and asked, amidst it "Do we want a baby?"           TO BE CONTINUED...                                    Yussif Ahmed Ibn Yussif                               ...


That vim, it vanishes A body that builds, well, it breaks Strength wanes Then the body becomes frail   Humans expire Not just after death But also before it And it’s dire Every day that passes Your worth to this world diminishes Finally, your name will be showered away Except for those you did good to The ones you touched, gently   When next you think of a legacy Think of the person next to you.                        Yussif Ahmed Ibn Yussif