Dear Khadija, I know it’s your first too Believe me, I know it’s not easy But take heart and make dua’a For Allah listens to His servants Tears roll down Hands tremble Even the most arrogant Becomes humble The month of Ramadan is here again Rounding us up in faith The month of mesmerizing mercy The month of gigantic joy The month of perplexing peace The month of relaxing remembrance The month of all Godly goodness There is both peace and turbulence in my heart Why This is my first My first Ramadan without my father My first suhoor and iftar without him I am a believer And I believe and pray he is in a better place with ALLAH Here is to all the people experiencing their first of same and others You’re not alone Let’s pray and ask for forgiveness for our departed loved ones For our Lord, ALLAH assures us He is the most merciful and ever forgiving Ramadan Kareem Ramadan Mubarak ...