
Showing posts from May, 2020

Ya Allah!

When Ramadan came I was rude to no one Except one My rude Friend, Ruth I rarely got angry Except when it's blurry My siblings got the best of me Unless when I'm being meme But Ramadan is leaving Who will I be Will my new lovely self also leave Or can it still be I smiled often Spoke less Prayed more Learnt more scripture Than in forever Who will I be When Ramadan leaves Angry face Intolerant Stingy Reluctant to pray I want to prey Not on anyone Ya Allah I seek your face After Ramadan fades Guide me Straighten my path Grant me patience Provide us with abundance We have your assurance But we sometimes face defiance Ya Allah You're the most merciful Grant us bountifully Even when we behave pessimistically Ya Allah Ramadan is leaving But You're not leaving We are only human We are full of faults We seek your help That which sustains us Guide us toward You Ya Allah Forgive us You're the ever forgiving You love to...


She slipped Got slapped Gave up Never quit She prayed Got preyed Never stopped Gave all Then she flaked Keeping faith Flourishing figure She, a fragile firm faith Buoyance She was swallowed Never wallowed Keep faith Don't flip It's fated And fate, through patience And prayer Changes                     Yussif Ahmed Ibn Yussif           


In the deepest of the darkest forest I perch Faced with calamities of the unseen The birds flutter The dry leaves rattle I am silent I am silent But all is dreadful All is noisy My head is exploding Earthquake under my feet But the earth swallows me not The spring flows above me The quietness of the streaming stream The benignness But I am botched I feel disproportionately inadequate Nature finds me adequate It admires me But I dread me I feel hollow I feel ugly But nature thinks I am awesome Is nature blind No, I think not The waters flow It doesn’t run That’s why Stop it, please It hurts my soul I feel my soul It’s burning with unquenchable rage My whole fiber on fire As though I stand in the desert sand Drowning Help Help Help comes not All I hear is my own voice The trees stand by Unconcerned Unperturbed Why Tell me why I’d run but the road is foggy I’d stay but the trees begin to fall My dilemma Run, die Stay, die My dilemma...


With a wrinkled smiling face He gulped down the puke Then Allah made a face The devil became a punk The palm of the needy Is a vessel of tremendous blessings Don't think them bottom feeders Exhibit the generosity of  feeling blessed For Allah put them in your path Knowing where you pass Charity is a part of the straight path Don't take a pass Ramadan is moving away Don't get swayed in the fray "Indeed, the men who practice charity and the women who practice charity and (they who) have loaned Allah a goodly loan - it will be multiplied for them, as they will have a noble reward." Quran 57:18                       Yussif Ahmed Ibn Yussif


Ramadan is in its second phase Downward be your face The next 9 days Bow down to the everlasting And increase in your prayers Take pride in His proofs No more pranks He is just above your roof Increase in your sujood Before the third ten days Of invigorating tahajjud To supplicate the Al-Majid When my servants ask of me I am near, He told me                              Yussif Ahmed Ibn Yussif


Are you really ever shocked at something? Really Chances are you just heard the news And you are beyond shocked You can’t believe it But you sure can, right? Your words, ‘Really? why now? Why him and why so soon?’ But are you as shocked as you express Or you’re just frightened that it could have been you My name is Yussif Ahmed Ibn Yussif And I just passed away This is my eulogy Read by me on my own behalf The truth is we are always shocked that someone has died As though we would ever expect someone to die We never really expect death And every time it walks up to one of us, we cry wolf But should we? Death is an inevitable reality One that we can’t ever avoid So maybe we should stop expressing shock at its arrival Quran 3:185, 15:99, 21:35, 29:57, etc all assure me that every soul will taste death And I don’t doubt it, not for a second So, why get shocked at what I expect Don’t be shocked, be prayerful And keep me in your prayers While I am gone I don’t ...