Ya Allah!
When Ramadan came I was rude to no one Except one My rude Friend, Ruth I rarely got angry Except when it's blurry My siblings got the best of me Unless when I'm being meme But Ramadan is leaving Who will I be Will my new lovely self also leave Or can it still be I smiled often Spoke less Prayed more Learnt more scripture Than in forever Who will I be When Ramadan leaves Angry face Intolerant Stingy Reluctant to pray I want to prey Not on anyone Ya Allah I seek your face After Ramadan fades Guide me Straighten my path Grant me patience Provide us with abundance We have your assurance But we sometimes face defiance Ya Allah You're the most merciful Grant us bountifully Even when we behave pessimistically Ya Allah Ramadan is leaving But You're not leaving We are only human We are full of faults We seek your help That which sustains us Guide us toward You Ya Allah Forgive us You're the ever forgiving You love to...