Are you really ever shocked at something?
Chances are you just heard the news
And you are beyond shocked
You can’t believe it
But you sure can, right?
Your words, ‘Really? why now? Why him and why so soon?’
But are you as shocked as you express
Or you’re just frightened that it could have been you

My name is Yussif Ahmed Ibn Yussif
And I just passed away
This is my eulogy
Read by me on my own behalf

The truth is we are always shocked that someone has died
As though we would ever expect someone to die
We never really expect death
And every time it walks up to one of us, we cry wolf
But should we?
Death is an inevitable reality
One that we can’t ever avoid
So maybe we should stop expressing shock at its arrival
Quran 3:185, 15:99, 21:35, 29:57, etc all assure me that every soul will taste death
And I don’t doubt it, not for a second
So, why get shocked at what I expect
Don’t be shocked, be prayerful
And keep me in your prayers
While I am gone

I don’t want you crying at my funeral
If there would be one

If you cry, then let it be for yourself, not me
I didn’t mean so much to you
So why cry
And even if I meant a lot to you
Still, why cry
Your tears won’t bring me back
I am gone till the hereafter
If you believe in that

Let my death draw you closer to Allah
Don’t take it lightly
I ask only this of you
In light of that
Be a human being
Be good to your fellow beings
Be kind in action and orally
Draw inspiration and meaning from my death
Don’t let it be a waste

Maybe I am at peace
Maybe I am not at peace
All the same, I am dead
And that is final
Until I am resurrected by Allah, Lord of the worlds
But I am a believer
And I have hope in the infinite mercy and forgiveness of my maker

I know my eulogy was supposed to highlight my life
But this is how I choose to come across to you
My dearest one
To inspire you
Even though I am gone

One final ask of you
Every time you remember me
Please smile
And know that while I am gone, I am still with you
Please reserve our memories until we meet again

Don’t cry
Please, don’t cry


                           Yussif Ahmed Ibn Yussif


  1. My view on this subject matter aptly corroborated. There's light at the end of the tunnel.
    Thanks buddy

    1. Indeed there light at the end of the tunnel.. You're welcome...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Mostly, crying isn't even concious, it is caused by pain and fear, have you ever lost a loved one, how did you react ?


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