You have dashed enough hopes with your corrupt acts. Enough!!


You watch as your fellow brothers rot away while you enjoy
You buy luxurious cars
You build numerous luxurious houses
Your fellow human beings suffer
Do you have a conscience

Police officers, you take bribes
You stand on the roads and shirk your major responsibilities while you engage in corruption You pretend to be checking licenses while you take one cedi from them
You watch on while rickety vehicles kill people on our roads
Are you proud of what you are doing?
Why did you become a police officer in the first place?
You are disgracing the uniform and the profession
Do you have conscience?

Politicians, are you proud of your actions?
The executive, the judiciary, the legislature
Do you even know your duties?
Do you have the fear of God in you?
Do you even see our deplorable roads and our poor standard of living?
The ordinary man who gave you power suffer while you enjoy the fruits of their labour
What the hell is wrong with you?
Do you have any conscience?
Do you have any compassion for your fellow human beings?
You are servants, not masters,
You begged us to make you our servants, not our masters
So start acting like it and execute your mandates and stop lording over us
Posterity will judge you harshly
Do you have conscience?
Stop misbehaving with our money and start acting like human beings with conscience
Apply a little bit of conscience
Do you have conscience?

People in high authority
You are to serve, not lord
You are to impact society, not steal from it
The country is not for you
It is for all us
Aren’t you ashamed?
Why are you inflicting pain on your fellow human beings?
Are you happy that that boy is sleeping on the bare floor at Circle or Kaneshie?
Are you happy that people in small towns share the same drinking water with animals?
Are you happy that our hospitals are short of beds?
I guess you are happy that the country is always borrowing.
Why won’t posterity judge you harshly!!
You have milked us enough
We are dry
Please leave us alone
Do you have conscience?
If yes, please use it just a little bit.
Think before you act.

The ordinary man
Stop acting like you are slaves
You are masters
You hold so much power than any politician
Their political fate is in your hands
Stop taking money from them in return for your votes
You are making yourselves worthless
Read, know your rights and responsibilities
Let us join hands and make our leaders know their rightful place as servants, not masters.
Stop taking and paying bribes
It is not worth it
Do we have any conscience?
Did I just hear a resounding yes?
Okay then
Let's use it to the fullest
Because posterity will judge us too.



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