Once again, the charcoal seller’s son has been disappointed. His hopes of wearing a white shirt, his symbol of triumph have been trashed. How pathetic though consolatory.

The black stars have once again blackened our hearts. Sending disappointing chills down our spines. Pushing the most bitter tablet down our throats. For me, to an extent, this was expected but there was hope. Hope that the players would do all they could to relieve us from the trauma of many years. But as it turns out, they have proven that there is indeed nothing new under the sun. Believe me, some of the players really tried but others were absolute disappointments.

Many are happy just because Uruguay is also going home. But just imagine if Uruguay had qualified for the next stage of the world cup competition. Imagine the atmosphere that would have engulfed this country. Imagine the tears in the eyes of Suarez were smiles of victory.

We are only basking in the glory of others because it caused the ultimate defeat of our perceived enemies in football. But imagine South Korea had also lost to Portugal. Just imagine!!

We couldn’t prepare enough to ensure victory welcomed us into its warm arms. What is it that is tearing the black stars apart? Why has the team never been solid enough in recent years?

It seems almost useless to support the team knowing the pain they can cause. Maybe those in charge of our football don’t care enough to build a formidable team worth supporting. Just maybe the team is only a cash cow for them. They make their money and the rest of us can go to hell for all they care.

It’s just heartbreaking and very preposterous to see the national team going down the drain all over again. So much talk about winning the hearts of Ghanaians, this was the test and the failure is just of immeasurable magnitude.

Maybe someday, the Black Stars will become what every Ghanaian expects of them. But until then, half wins, half hearts. After all, safety first, right?

                     Yussif Ahmed Ibn Yussif



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