“We must set up a system to reward hardworking party foot soldiers, and when I say this, that is the duty of our many party executives, DCEs and members of Parliament and so on and so forth. We will go into an election in 2020, the presidential candidate cannot be in every constituency at every time so it is the constituency chairman and the regional chairman and the others who will know who is doing what work so that tomorrow when the party wins  power and you need to reward these cadres, it is the chairmen and the MPs and the others who will say these are the people who have worked hard and should be rewarded…..and so please as we are working, let’s be noting those who are giving their all, killing themselves for the party so that when the party comes into government, the party will also kill itself small for those people”.

There is a news story on citinewsroom.com that attributes the above comment to John Dramani Mahama, former president of Ghana and an NDC flag bearer aspirant. Now, I couldn’t imagine a former president who knows at least the details of what a government looks like making this comment and others like it. But the point of this article is not to attack the person of our former president but to detail out how this comment and the likes of it polarize our political environment. It even negatively trickles down to national development.


First of all, this comment clearly shows how our political governance system is now a reward system to party loyalists. So if you work hard for the party to win power, you are rewarded in government. Whether or not you have the requisite skills to manage whatever is entrusted into your care doesn’t really matter. All that matters is your loyalty is rewarded and thus maintained for future purposes as well. So how will this country prosper with this kind of mindset and attitude?

Now, comments like this are what fuel party foot soldiers/vigilante groups to storm state enterprises when they are supposedly neglected by their parties when they win political power. It doesn’t help with the peace and tranquillity this country is still building.

Wrongful placement of human resource, state resource mismanagement, embezzlement, corruption, and so many other problems are suffocating this country because of this challenge of political reward system. Governments lack the commitment to prosecute their corrupt officials because they want to maintain their loyalty. Yes, this may help the individual but what about the collective good? Conscience!!!

The youth, if we want the best for our dear country and not just ourselves, then we must stop following politicians blindly hoping that they will reward us with a government portfolio or some other rewards when they win power. How long will you even hold such positions when it is handed to you?

Eventually, we will be doing more harm to our dear country than any good we will do to ourselves individually.

Why can’t the political parties set up a reward system for their party loyalists when they in opposition? This means that it is the resources of the country that they will use to set up their loyalists?

There needs to be a change in our approach to politics. It is one of the many things that are killing this country.

Devote your time to developing your own potential instead of devoting your time to a political party. The former will help you do more good to both yourself and our dear country, Ghana.

Don’t just think about yourself, let us think about posterity. Conscience!!!

                           YUSSIF AHMED


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