You know how they tell you to avoid the things that trigger you to sin or go wayward?
What if you are your own trigger?
How do you avoid yourself?
My name is Yussif Ahmed Ibn Yussif
I am a Muslim
But I am also an addict
Anyone who really knows me knows that I would never criticize anyone based on morality
Because I am no different
I am somewhat morally corrupt
Because of my addiction

Well, my addiction hurts no one
It only hurts me
I’ve tried to stop it for so many years now
But my efforts have been futile
Because I always eventually go back to it

I have always wanted to talk about it
Well, I have talked about.
Three individuals know about my addiction
I told these people because I felt so lonely and very scared
And I also did because I wanted their help to break my addiction
Unfortunately, telling them about it made no difference
I am still an addict
And I want it to stop
I’ve been an addict for more than a decade
And I want it to end now

Ruth, Ernestina, Khadija, I have wanted to try telling someone again
But I am afraid of two things
It might not yield the results I need, just like before and I don’t know what they’ll think of me after I tell them
So you see, we all keep secrets
But only because it’s unpleasant

I need help to free myself from this addiction
I’ve tried doing it on my own terms but it didn’t work
So, I need extra strength, influence and pressure

Talk to your friends, siblings, colleagues
Ask them what they are struggling with
But find it impossible to share with others
Be a true friend
Find their secrets and keep them as secrets
And help them

My name is Yussif Ahmed Ibn Yussif
And I am an addict who needs help breaking free


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